March is Fraud Prevention Month, a time to remind ourselves of the sneaky tactics scammers use to trick people out of their money, personal information, or both. With scams becoming more...
Blog Category

What is the Most Stolen Vehicle in Canada (2024)?
‘Tis the season for an update on vehicle theft trends in Canada. Unfortunately, auto theft remains a significant issue for motorists across the country, particularly in the Greater Toronto...
Police Alert: Airbags are being Stolen from a Popular Model of Car
The Guelph Police Service has issued an alert after at least 10 airbags were stolen out of vehicles over the past weekend. Police are saying that Honda Civics were specifically targeted,...
Warning for Car Buyers: Re-vinned Vehicles in Ontario
Automobile theft in Ontario continues to be a significant issue, affecting thousands of vehicle owners. The Staebler Blog has shared many articles on this topic, including: Most Frequently...
Security Suggestions to Help Keep Your Business Property Safe
Businesses and commercial properties are often the target of thieves and criminal trespassers looking to cause trouble. For businesses and property owners, it’s critical to have strong...
Suspicious Fire Alerts and Preventative Measures for Home Builders
Insurance companies are warning of suspicious fires in new build housing developments in Ontario. They have seen a noticeable increase in fires affecting home builders and home buyers,...
Most Frequently Stolen Vehicles in Canada
A recent study revealed more than 40% of drivers didn’t know that their vehicle is one of the most frequently stolen in Canada. Experts say that knowing your vehicle is highly targeted can...
How to Prepare for a Cyberattack
Cyberattacks have become a regular occurrence and businesses of all sizes are being targeted. Regardless of industry, organizations have the potential of becoming the next victim of...
Secure Your Mobile Devices from Cyberthreats
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month and a great time to remind you that cybercriminals don’t stop their attacks at desktop or laptop computers. Smartphones have become increasingly...
How Businesses Can Help Prevent the Next Cyber Attack in 2023
Regardless of the size of an organization, businesses need to be aware of cyber threats - and employees are often at the front line of a potential attack. It is understandable that small...
Ontario’s Top Stolen Vehicles and How To Prevent Auto Theft
Canadian insurers are sounding the alarm on increased auto thefts throughout Ontario, including Waterloo Region. Thieves have become more sophisticated and are using modern conveniences...
Five Insurance Related Resolutions for the New Year
Here are five smart insurance related resolutions to begin 2023.
Security for Your Home & Business this Holiday Season
With the holiday season upon us, our focus shifts to decorating, shopping, festivities, baking, and possibly travel. To help keep the holidays cheerful and safe, we bring you some...
How to Make Your Business Cyber Insurance Ready
If you’re a business owner, you’ve probably heard quite a bit lately about cyber insurance. Not only are you hearing about the usual stats about cyber attack this and cyber breach that, but now the difficulty in even being able to get cyber insurance coverage for your business.
How to Stop Your Car from Being Stolen in Kitchener and Waterloo Region
Car thieves are becoming more sophisticated and, despite the latest technologies, these criminals are discovering new ways to thwart anti-theft devices. They are most often targeting...
What you need to know to be Cyber Secure in 2022
It’s a trend that continues to be more prevalent every year. Last summer the Staebler blog reported the unfortunate increase in security breaches, ransomware demands, and other data...
How to Erase Your Phone and Other Digital Data When You Upgrade
Consumers are constantly exposed to the latest and greatest in technology. From the faster, flashier, and smarter smartphones to the thinner but larger storage laptops, it’s easily...
Why your Business needs Cyber Insurance in 2021
It’s becoming more frequent that we read a media report of a large, well-known organization that’s been the target of a cyber breach. Often sensitive data and client information is...
Stay Alert for these Pandemic-Related Schemes seen in Kitchener-Waterloo
During these strange times of increased isolation and use of digital communication technologies, there’s increased activity of cyber threats to watch out for. We’ve put together some of...
What are the Top 10 Stolen Vehicles in Canada?
Every year the Insurance Bureau of Canada releases the list of the most stolen vehicles across the country. There’s a clear trend in 2020 as eight of the top 10 vehicles on the list are...