The auto insurance coverage that Uber has in place, provided by Economical Insurance, is designed to cover Uber drivers while they‘re on a rideshare trip in Ontario. But how does the...
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The Best Ways to Get Home on New Year’s Eve
New Year’s Eve can be a great time with friends, and family. Often alcohol is consumed and when it’s time to go home, people make the wrong assumption that it’s okay to drive. Fortunately...
Does it Really Pay to Get Insured Fast?
Buying insurance has never been easier. You can go online, click a few buttons, answer a few questions, pay with your credit card, and your insurance is taken care of. You’re covered in...
Ride-Sharing Insurance is Now Available!
For those drivers who use their own vehicle to carry paying passengers, like Uber drivers, there is now insurance coverage available for you! Effective today, February 1, 2016, Aviva...