Spring is here! For many of us, that means it's time to dust off our seasonal vehicles and to get our trailers, boats, and other recreational equipment out of storage and ready for use....
Blog Category
Car Insurance

When Can I Take My Snow Tires Off My Car?
Spring has sprung in Ontario with melting snow, warmer weather, and dry roads. Naturally, drivers are beginning to ask when they can take the snow tires off their car. To maintain your...
What Changes Do I Need to Tell My Insurance Broker?
Your insurance coverage is unique to you and policies are tailored to each person or item (i.e. your policy will be different than your neighbour’s, even if you drive the same car). READ...
What are the New Speed Limits for Kitchener and Waterloo Streets?
The City of Waterloo is introducing new speed limits to slow down motorists and improve pedestrian safety in Waterloo Region. During a recent council meeting, Waterloo approved its new...
Top Tips For Safe Winter Driving
As the winter season moves along, Mother Nature has brought its familiar friends of dicey road conditions, ice slicks, and blinding flurries. Driving in the winter is never fun, but there...
Five Insurance Related Resolutions for the New Year
Here are five smart insurance related resolutions to begin 2023.
How to Stop Your Car from Being Stolen in Kitchener and Waterloo Region
Car thieves are becoming more sophisticated and, despite the latest technologies, these criminals are discovering new ways to thwart anti-theft devices. They are most often targeting...
New Speed Limits and Speed Cameras in Waterloo Region
September is here and back to school time means back to sharing the road with school vehicles and being extra careful with students walking. To help keep everyone safe, Kitchener,...
How to Plan for a Summer Road Trip and Camping Adventure
As the school year winds down once again and the summer season officially begins next week, thoughts turn to vacation planning and what to do with the kids for two months ahead. Our...
How to Renew your Licence Plate in Ontario
The province of Ontario has shifted to a no fee licence plate sticker program and issued refunds for those that had paid in the past. To avoid any confusion, yes, you still need to renew...
Ontario Licence Plate Sticker Refunds are Coming
Most drivers in Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Ontario will no longer need to pay a licence plate sticker fee every year. Get all the details here. In February, the Ministry of...
How are Insurance Companies Reacting to the Covid-19 Vehicle Market and Supply Chain Challenges?
The global pandemic has interrupted many aspects of our lives and created a strain on the supply chain for goods and service we all rely on. The automobile industry is not immune to the...
How Vehicles are Being Stolen and What You Can Do to Stop it
Police in Waterloo Region and throughout southern Ontario are warning car owners of new techniques that thieves are using to steal vehicles from driveways. These techniques are taking...
Our Broker’s Experience With an Auto Claim
Michelle Mortensen has been an insurance broker for more than four years and has helped many of her clients through claims. She knows the processes each company has and how to advocate for...
Record Gas Prices in Kitchener-Waterloo! The Top Ways to Save on Gas Mileage Today
With gas prices souring around Ontario this month, drivers are frustrated and there’s no question they’re looking for ways to save. Industry experts are suggesting there isn’t an end in...
How Long Does a Ticket Stay on my Driving Record?
Earlier this month the provincial government introduced steeper penalties for speeding and stunt driving offences. The new laws are targeting the most dangerous of drivers on the road,...
What are the New Penalties for Street Racing and Stunt Driving in Ontario?
The provincial government introduced new laws on July 1 to help slow down speeders and make Ontario roads safer. The Moving Ontario More Safely Act begins by targeting aggressive driving,...
Electric Car Popularity Accelerates in Waterloo Region
The pursuit of a cleaner future relies on the actions of individuals. Making the decision to change from a gas-guzzling car or truck to an electric vehicle is one of those actions. In...
Driving Less, Driving Safer? Pay As You Go Insurance in Kitchener-Waterloo May be the Answer
Good drivers in Waterloo Region and those who are driving significantly less than prior to the pandemic, are seeking alternate auto insurance options. Insurance companies are seeing the...
Kitchener Joins Cambridge and Waterloo with A No-Idling Bylaw
The City of Kitchener announced this week their new anti-idling bylaw, which moves Kitchener more in line with similar bylaws in the neighbouring cities of Cambridge and Waterloo. The new...