Business Interruption Trivia Time In the previous post, we asked the question: According to recent statistics, approximately how many identity theft complaints per month do Canada?€?s...
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Business Insurance

Business Interruption
Business Interruption Trivia Time In the previous post, we asked the question: According to recent statistics, approximately how many identity theft complaints per month do Canada?€?s...
Small Companies are targets for Cybercrime
A recent study reported that small businesses are cybercriminals' favourite target for two reasons: they have a lot worth stealing-such as bank-account information, customer data and...
Cost of Risk
I recently came across an article entitled "Risk Calculator". The article touched on some familiar concepts for Risk Managers; "Cost of Risk", but it certainly does apply to all business...
Small Business Owners say they are interested in Data Breach Insurance
In a recent survey 70% of Small Business owners say they are interested in Data Breach Insurance. The primary causes of small business data breaches were found to be Employee or Contactor...
Cyber Liability: What’s at risk?
At a 2012 Cyber & Privacy Risk conference changes in cyber risk were noted: 1. Cyber attacks have become pervasive 2. current defensive systems aren't working, and 3. Cyber risk is...
Insurance Business Risks
Every day business owners face a number of liabilities, many of which can be insured with that well known Commercial General Liability (CGL) insurance policy. But where are the 'gaps' and...
Mergers & Acquisitions: What You Need to Know
Almost every business goes through a merger or acquisition at some point in their lifespan. No matter how careful you are with your due diligence every deal has its surprises. If you are...
Entrepreneurs: Does your Current Insurance Cover you Properly?
Entrepreneurs, this is you: You are optimistic, competitive, assertive, proactive, committed to others, you dislike routine, and you constantly strive to improve. You have escaped the...
Have you considered Cyber Liability Insurance for your Business?
There are more and more incidents today involving network security and cyber liability, and they aren't just targetting the big businesses. As a business owner, does your insurance protect...
Forcing man, 65, to Retire Discriminatory, Court Says
When a lot of us are dreaming of reaching that magic number of 65, there are some that just aren't ready to leave the work place. Read the complete article.
Inconsistent Safety Standards put Performers and Crews in Danger
Stage collapse at Downsview Park brings safety issues to the fore. Pressure to produce flashy performances on short deadlines may play a role in what appears to be a "recurring problem" of...
Workers’ EI history to affect claim under new rules
Rule changes expected to be in place by 2013 stem from EI reform announced in March budget. To view the complete story click here.
Canada Post clerk Fired for Nasty Facebook Posts
You may want to think twice of what you post on Facebook. Even if you think you are restricting access to a select few people, you are leaving a digital trail that can come back and bite...
What’s Co-Insurance & why should you care?
One of the most common clauses in any insurance policy is co-insurance. Who thought it up in the first place? Co-insurance goes back over 100 years, and is meant as a means to persuade...