What are the Top 10 Stolen Vehicles in Canada?

Dec 11, 2020
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Every year the Insurance Bureau of Canada releases the list of the most stolen vehicles across the country. There’s a clear trend in 2020 as eight of the top 10 vehicles on the list are SUVs while the other two are pickup trucks.

According to the IBC, auto theft costs Canadians more than $1 Billion every year and on average a vehicle is stolen every six minutes. This is more than just an insurance problem as the ripple effects trickle down to police, the court system, correctional service and even health care.

Don’t be a part of the statistics in 2021: Scroll down for professional tips and useful habits to get into.

Top 10 Stolen Vehicles in Canada (2020)

  • 2018 Honda CR-V 4DR AWD SUV
  • 2017 Lexus RX350/RX450h 4DR AWD SUV
  • 2017 Honda CR-V 4DR AWD SUV
  • 2018 Lexus RX350/RX350L/RX450h/RX450hL 4DR AWD SUV
  • 2018 Ford F150 4WD PU
  • 2019 Honda CR-V 4DR AWD SUV
  • 2018 Toyota Highlander 4DR 4WD SUV
  • 2017 Toyota Highlander 4DR 4WD SUV
  • 2019 Lexus RX350/RX350L/RX450h/RX450hL 4DR AWD SUV
  • 2017 Dodge Ram 1500 4WD PU

Tips to avoid joining this list next year:

  • Always lock your doors and close your windows completely
  • Don’t leave your keyless fob in your vehicle or unattended near your home’s entrance (thieves can wirelessly transmit the signal and gain access to your vehicle)
  • Install an electronic vehicle immobilizer that prevents thieves from hotwiring your vehicle
  • Install a tracking device that emits a signal to police or a monitoring station to track your vehicle if it’s stolen
  • Always park in a well-lit area or in your garage
  • Don’t leave personal information or any sensitive documents (eg. Registration, pink slips or bank statements) in the open. Lock them in the glove box or better yet remove them from your vehicle
  • Never leave your vehicle running while unattended (eg. Starting your car to warm it up before sitting in it)
  • Use a visible or audible device to show thieves that your vehicle is protected

There was a recent report of a distraction-style vehicle theft in North Dumfries Township. The suspects flashed their high beams at a car to get it to pull over. They told the driver there was a problem at the back of his car. When he took a look, one of the suspects jumped in and drove away, leaving the driver with a stolen vehicle and abandoned in the middle of the night. It is a scary story but a good reminder to remain alert of your surrounding at all times.

Sources: Insurance Bureau of Canada


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