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car insurance essentials | Mandatory

Liability Insurance
Protects you if someone else is killed or injured or their property is damaged because of your negligence.

Accident Benefits
Provides benefits if you are injured or killed in an accident anywhere in Canada and the United States regardless of who caused it.
Learn more about the importance of Accident Benefits.

Uninsured Auto
Protects you if you are injured or killed by an uninsured motorist or hit-and-run driver to the extent you were not at fault.

Direct Compensation Property Damage (DCPD)
To the extent that you are not at fault in an accident with another vehicle, your own insurer will pay for damage to your vehicle and its contents. There are options to increase the deductible to save money.

Bodily Injury and Property Damage
Physical injury and damage to property as a result of a car collision.
Important car insurance extras

Named Perils
This coverage is fire and theft coverage only

Pays for the cost of repairing you vehicle if it is damaged in any collision. Examples include hitting another car or a runaway shopping cart.

This coverage pays for damage caused by any perils other than collision or overturning. Examples include hail, flood, theft, fire, or glass breakage.

All Perils
This coverage is collision and comprehensive combined with the same deductible. Also covers theft of vehicle by family member.

Optional Increased Accident Benefits
Increases basic benefits for income replacement, medical or rehabilitation, and caregiver coverage.
staebler suggests

Protects you, or an eligible family member, to the same limits as your Liability coverage if you are involved in an accident where you are not at fault, with someone who carries less or no insurance, or is unidentified (e.g. a hit and run)

Covers the cost of a rental vehicle while your vehicle is being repaired, if the damage or loss is caused by a peril for which you are insured.

Provides physical damage coverage (subject to a deductible) to vehicles that you may operate but do not own – such as a vehicle you have rented or borrowed.

Removes the insurer’s right to deduct depreciation from the value of your vehicle when settling a claim for loss or damage for which you are insured.

Keep in Mind
While the above coverages are not required, if you owe money on your vehicle your lienholder/lessor may require you to have collision and comprehensive coverage to protect their interest in the vehicle.

Your Other Vehicles
Your ATVs, motorcycles and snowmobiles have the same coverage options as your automobile.
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Car Insurance
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