Distracted Driving a Factor in more Fatalities than Impaired Driving

Apr 24, 2013
Categories: Car Insurance · Safety
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According to the Ontario Provincial Police,  distracted driving-related fatalities surpassed impaired driving fatalities in 2012, in Ontario.

While texting is among the most dangerous activities to carry out while driving, distracted driving refers to all forms of distracted or inattentive driving, such as talking on the phone, eating and drinking, personal grooming and tending to children in the backseat.

In the United States, of the more than 65,000 people killed in car crashes over the past two years, one in 10 were in crashes where at least one of the drivers was distracted, according to police data in the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS).

Here is a list of 10 distractions:

10. Smoking related distractions, such as smoking, lighting up, etc.
9. Moving object in the vehicle, including a pet or insect.
8. Using devices or controls integral to the vehicle, including adjusting mirrors and seats, or OEM navigation systems
7. Adjusting audio or climate controls
6. Eating or drinking
5. Using or reaching for an external device, such as a navigational system, headphones, etc.
4. Other occupants, be it looking at them or talking to them
3. Outside person, object or event — rubbernecking
2. Cell phone use, including talking and texting
1. Generally distracted or lost in thought: daydreaming

The OPP wants you to share your  stories on Facebook about distracted driving behaviour you’ve seen from drivers  https://www.facebook.com/ontarioprovincialpolice …


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