B.C. Coroner Study draws links between Seat Belt use and Fatal Crashes

Feb 21, 2012
Categories: Car Insurance · Safety
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Have you ever been in a hurry and jumped in your car and  not remembered to buckle up?

Well  a B.C. Corner Service has just completed a detailed study of fatal vehicle crashes which shows a high proportion of those who died were not wearing seatbelts.

To read more on the study click here.

Here are some more seatbelt facts:

Wearing your seatbelts proberly will dramatically increase your chances of surviving a motor vehilce collison.

For every one percent increase in seat belt usage, five lives in Canada are saved. (Transport Canada)

Since seat belts were made mandatory, the number of poeple killed and injured in collisions in Ontario has steadily dropped.

So remember to buckle up and be safe!


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