Staebler Blog

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Safe Driving Distance

Safe Driving Distance

Are you a risk taker? I know that’s a bold question, but one I think we need to ask ourselves from time to time. Smart risk takers in business grow their business and do well for...

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Winter Tire Discounts Are Coming!

Who’s Liable With UberX?

Did the number of collisions between cars and cyclists increase or decrease over the past few years in Waterloo region? Answer: The number of collisions has actually increased in a big...

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Winter Tire Discounts Are Coming!

Commercial FAQs

Q:  What does "All Risks” actually cover? A:  If you imagine All Risks as a pie, your policy starts with a whole pie and then takes out wedges of that pie. First, the insurance company...

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Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween Safety Tips

This Halloween, neighbourhoods all across the country will be buzzing with excitement — the kids will be getting their costumes on, and adults will be prepping bowls of tasty treats for...

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