Staebler Blog

What you Need to Tell your Family About your Life Insurance
Great, you’ve done the responsible thing and you’ve purchased a comprehensive life insurance policy. Now you can rest easy knowing that should anything unfortunate ever happen to you, your...
The Secret Life of Grime: The Parts of your Home you Forget to Clean
We all like to think we’re decent housekeepers: The counters are clear, the carpets are vacuumed, and the laundry is in the hamper (usually). That sounds like a great start, but if you’re...
Why Your Business Needs Liability Insurance
Liability insurance is something every business should have. Often referred to as general liability insurance or commercial liability insurance, it’s one of the primary protections your...
When was the last time your business had refresher training?
Scheduling training can feel a lot like scheduling a root canal! It's not something most people look forward to. After all, you and your staff are busy people and it might feel like a...
The Best Ways to Get Home on New Year’s Eve
New Year’s Eve can be a great time with friends, and family. Often alcohol is consumed and when it’s time to go home, people make the wrong assumption that it’s okay to drive. Fortunately...
Staebler’s Charities of the Year
2019 was a banner year for Staebler’s Charity and Community Committee. This team of 12 was very busy managing a committee-directed budget, raising additional funds, and making the...
Our Top Winter Driving Tips
Winter officially begins on December 21 but Mother Nature has already brought its familiar friends of road closures, ice slicks, and blinding flurries. Driving in the winter is never fun,...
Make Fire Safety a Priority this Holiday Season
The holidays are a time for celebration, family, and rest. Unfortunately, they’re also a time for accidents, injuries, and fire hazards. While you’re enjoying the holiday season, make sure...
Just get yourself a Snow Blower
As a general rule I tend to avoid convenience products: Anything that seems to promise a little too much or claim to be a bit too handy I end up sneering at. I don’t know why I’m like...
The best policy when it comes to your driving history
A lot of advertising in the auto insurance business focuses on rewarding drivers for their excellent driving record. The logic goes if you’ve been a responsible, dependable driver for...
Are you Aware of These Four Home Fire Hazards?
We all know the major do’s and don’ts when it comes to fire safety around the home: Do know where your fire extinguisher is, don’t leave the stove unattended. Do keep space heaters clear...
Digital Pink Slips Give You Another Option
When the Ontario government announced earlier in September that the digital pink slip is an acceptable proof of insurance, we jumped on the opportunity to give our clients another option....
Our Summertime Patio Picks
Some say this is the most wonderful time of the year: Patio season in Canada. We know, it's a short season and we're running out of nice, warm summer days to enjoy them. But that's not...
Not getting enough done at work? You may need to take more breaks
There is nothing quite as defeating as ending a long day tired, worn out, and unsure of what you accomplished. If you’re putting in long hours and trying your best but struggle to point to...
Caring for Aging Parents
Aging is a funny thing: As children, our parents think of nothing but ways to help keep us safe and protect us. But, as our parents get older, start slowing down, and start dealing with...
How to Insure your Backyard Wedding
There’s a lot to think about when you’re planning a wedding — especially when you’re hosting it yourself. From choosing the right chair rental service to helping your guests find overnight...
Night Driving: How to Drive Safely in the Dark
Do you get nervous when driving at night? Does it stress you out to have to fight off the glare of oncoming cars or tailgaters with their high beams on? Do you feel less in control of...
Stop the Spread! How to Sanitize your Home When Someone is Sick
So the day got off to a bad start when your youngest threw up in her breakfast. In the afternoon, you got a call from school and had to pick up your oldest from school. Tonight, your...
How to tackle Summer Repairs around Home
As we finally roll into the warmer months, it’s time to get the home into order. After a long winter and cool, rainy spring, you’ll want to make sure everything in your home is ship shape...
When did you Review your Auto Policy?
A lot of people take a "if it’s not broke, don’t fix it” approach to their car insurance. They sat down a few years ago, did the leg work, secured a policy they were happy with, and are...
The Dangers of Online Gaming (Part Two)
Last week we looked at some of the most common dangers your child may face while playing games online. Today, we’re going to look at the broader picture and identify a few gaming related...