Staebler Blog

Protect Yourself: Online Holiday Shopping Safety
There are many types of fraud schemes, with new ones invented every day! The holiday season typically brings with it an increase in purchases and financial transactions, which provides a...
Why You Need Business Interruption Insurance
Insurance is bought to ensure if the unexpected happens, there’s a solution to make things better. Imagine an accidental garage fire: All of your possessions are lost, but insurance is...
Don’t Let Patio Season End: Heat Options for the Outdoors
In Canada, patio season is a rite of spring. Unfortunately when our fall season hits, it usually signals the end of those patios – but this year is different. Bars and restaurants are...
How does Uber Ridesharing Coverage Work in Ontario?
The auto insurance coverage that Uber has in place, provided by Economical Insurance, is designed to cover Uber drivers while they‘re on a rideshare trip in Ontario. But how does the...
Ontario Walking Trails To Try This Fall
As the days become cooler and the leaves begin to change colour, it becomes more difficult to find ways to spend time outdoors. While the warm days at the beach are behind us, it is still...
Reopening Your Business in the Covid-19 Pandemic Environment
Tips to keep your workplace safe during COVID-19 The most important thing to remember is the health and safety of everyone - and that begins with employees. As always, under the...
BBQ Tips and Safety for Grilling Season
BBQ TIPS AND SAFETY FOR GRILLING SEASON It has been an outstanding start to summer, with hot and dry weather. It's been a great motivator to get outside and use the backyard barbecue. And...
Covid-19: Changes to tell your Broker
With pandemic restrictions related to COVID-19 continuing to ease across Ontario and much of the province in Phase Two of the re-opening plan, there are important considerations to be...
Flying your Drone on the Right Side of the Law
When I was young, RC planes were the pinnacle of the toy world. What could be cooler than a model airplane that could actually take off and pull cool loops and barrel rolls through the sky...
Extreme Heat Warning in Ontario
After a cool start to the season, a mid-spring heat event has hit southern Ontario -- and with it comes the warnings and reminders to be proactive to help beat the heat. The risks are...
Covid-19: Business Planning for Safe Re-Opening
It’s been over eight weeks since government and health officials mandated the majority of businesses close their doors to the public. A lot has changed and everyone has needed to quickly...
Trucking and Transportation During Covid-19: Our Appreciation
With excepts from Staebler Broker Lisa Arseneau in the Rear View Mirror. Here we are: All isolated and distanced from each other in 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic has taken hold of our lives...
Covid-19 Consumer Relief Coming
COVID-19 continues to create unprecedented challenges for individuals and businesses. As your broker, we want to help you navigate through this evolving landscape. Throughout this time,...
Insurance and Risk Management Considerations During a Pandemic
As COVID-19 spreads around the world, and the business environment changes daily due to government directives, organizations have found that there are many things to consider with respect...
How To Adjust To Working From Home
With the escalating threat of the COVID-19 pandemic and a State of Emergency declared in Ontario, non-essential businesses are shutting their doors to the public. And many Ontarians are...
Does my business interruption coverage respond to losses due to COVID-19?
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a significant shift in the landscape for business continuity planning. Since the first emergence of COVID-19 we have been fielding questions from our...
Covid-19 Update: Office Closure
Effective Tuesday, March 17, our office is closed to all visitors. During this closure, we will continue to conduct business and service customers remotely. We understand the risk and are...
COVID-19 Update
On March 11, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 (the novel coronavirus) a pandemic. At Staebler, the health and well-being of our employees and our customers continues to be...
Local Flood Warnings Have Begun
With rapidly rising temperatures and rainy pre-spring weather, flood warnings will become more and more frequent. This week the Grand River Conservation Authority issued official...
Tips For Re-opening Your Seasonal Cottage or Trailer
From the Staebler Blog archive: This post originally appeared in May, 2019. The long wait is finally over: It’s time to open up your getaway property. As the warmer weather settles in, the...
Out With the Old – Common Household Items you Might Not Know Expire!
They say nothing gold can stay, and isn't that the truth. While we might be used to keeping an eye on the expiry date for our groceries, or swapping out the batteries on our fire alarms,...