Your Home & Auto Insurance could be at risk

Jan 25, 2012
Categories: Ask Steve · Car Insurance
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Protect your Personal Insurance. You could be risking everything without knowing it.

We all know that a thief can break into a car in a matter of seconds. Cars are been targeted at large events, like basketball or hockey games. And, we have all heard that having something of value easily seen through the window can make your car a target. But many of us haven’t stopped to consider the GPS. With your GPS, a thief can often find your home.

Thieves will know when the event ends, and how much time they have. So if you live close enough, they can get to your home while you are still at the game! If you have a remote control for your garage it makes it even easier. Now they can break into your home without the neighbours seeing them. So you have got to keep your GPS and garage remotes in a safer place, before you leave the car. Your glove box is not the best place either, as that would be the first place they would look. But there’s another important item most people put in the glove box – your insurance pink slip. Not that a thief is going to use it as proof of their own insurance; it is another way they can get your address. That is another item you may want to keep out of the car. You could keep it with you in your wallet. That is likely where you keep your driver’s license anyway. Thieves are interested in what is quick and easy, so make it hard for them and they may move on to the next one.

Don’t forget to Ask Steve your own questions! You can submit a question in the section to the right of your page and watch for the answer to be posted on our blog.


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